Our vision

Be global leaders in the services and consultancy IT. Taking in mind that information technology  is a clue element to the growth and development of companies at global level



Our mission

In Sinntrec our mission is to: develop computing solutions of a great value that optimize, strengthen, and transform the companies of our customers, promoting like that the integration of innovation in its projects.

Using for that the creativity and passion for innovation in the development of our computing solutions.




Our values

Professionalism: To impulse the success of our customers looking always for excellence.

Responsibility: With our customers, our work and our families.

Leadership: In technological innovation, management, link and technological distribution.

Collaboration: Work in teams and continuous support.

Passion: For our work and our profession.

Love: For our families, our country, and our work.







Equipment selling

© 2018 Sinntec Technological Innovation S.A. de C.V. |

Contact US


+52 (55) 15798501

+52 (55) 15798501